Frequently asked questions

Got questions? We have answers.

  • Modern Relationships LLC is an in-network provider with Quest. For clients with other insurance plans we can provide you with detailed receipts (superbills) to submit for potential reimbursement.

    Many “PPO” health plans will allow out of network services, with reimbursement of 60 to 80 percent after meeting your deductible. Please verify eligibility and benefits with your insurance carrier.

  • Therapy is an investment in yourself and your relationships. The cost of sessions reflects the value of personalized care and our specialized training in sex and intimacy.

    Standard rates
    Individual therapy (50 mins) - $150
    Couples therapy (60 mins) - $175
    Intake session (60 mins) - $175

    Discounted rates - before 3 p.m.
    Individual therapy (50 mins) - $125
    Couples therapy (60 mins) - $150
    Intake session (60 mins) - $150

  • We offer discounted rates for sessions held during off-peak hours (before 3 p.m.). We do not offer a sliding scale but our blog post Sex Therapy on a Budget outlines money-saving strategies to consider.

  • Yes. Although the majority of our sessions are conducted through a secure telehealth platform, we offer in-person sessions on Wednesdays in Center City Philadelphia.

    Virtual appointments are available for clients in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and throughout Pennsylvania.

  • The first session is an opportunity for you and your therapist to get to know one another and to explore your goals and expectations for therapy. You may be asked some open-ended questions to better understand your history, current symptoms, and personal strengths.

    It can take a few sessions to establish rapport with a new person, and we understand that you may feel nervous about starting therapy. We adapt the pace and process according to your level of comfort.

  • The length of therapy can vary, but many clients will notice an initial shift in their understanding, thought patterns, or behavior within 10 to 12 sessions. Your therapist will check in with you periodically to review goals, progress to date, and how you are feeling about the process.

    You will obtain best results from meeting consistently on a weekly to bi-weekly basis.

  • A Good Faith Estimate is a written estimate of what you are expected to pay for services rendered by your therapist. It includes the cost of all regularly scheduled appointments and might also include additional fees planned in advance such as documentation, court appearances, etc.

    The Good Faith Estimate requirement is to provide the estimated costs of services (fee times number of sessions) at the beginning of treatment (if asked) and at least once annually, if needed. You are entitled to receive a Good Faith Estimate of what the charges could be for psychotherapy services provided to you.

Have more questions? Ready to get started?

Get in touch.